Brand Pro: Generating Cash by Helping Others

Brand Pros—The Ambassadors of Nutrisail

The Brand Pro Bonus Plan can be accessed by upgrading to a Brand Pro. Brand Pros are men and women who are excited about their personal product experiences, have already referred customers….and would now like to turn their referral efforts into cash and residual income. Brand Pros can begin earning weekly incomes for themselves and their families instead of just free products.

How do I become a Brand Pro?

To Go Pro, you just need to purchase a membership ($36/year) and activate your Brand Pro account.

To do this, go the Main Menu and click Affliate. Under Affiliate, select Brand Pro and follow one of the prompts on that page to Become a Brand Pro and you'll be directed to the checkout.

Once you’ve completed the checkout, you'll be prompted to finish the upgrade process. Follow the instructions in the modal to complete the Brand Pro upgrade. When you've finished, you'll be directed to your new Brand Pro dashboard. You'll still have any data from your Brand Fan account and you'll be able to access everything you could before you upgraded, you'll just be able to access many more features of the back office and you're dashboard will look a bit different.

Important First Steps for New Brand Pros

You do not need to know every single detail of this bonus plan to start earning money. When you're first starting out there are only a few important things you need to know. Follow these next steps and you'll be earning cash and climbing up the ranks in no time.

  • Get Lifestyle Active!

    Brand Pros are professional Independent Distributors with Nutrisail. It is a professional affliate account and there are personal order requirements to be eligible to earn money in the Brand Pro Bonus Plan. As long as you have made a qualifying Lifestyle order in the last 35 days, you are eligible to earn money in the Nutrisail Brand Pro Bonus Plan.

    If you are not currently active, you will earn Referral Rewards on any orders you personally refer.

  • Start Sharing!

    The most successful Brand Pros paid little attention to how their bonuses are calculated. They put all their focus and energy on making sure to get B-LITE samples in as many hands as possible. These products work and anyone who tries it will notice this. So for your best chances at generating some referral cash, get as many people as you're able to try the B's or visit your site to learn more about them.

    We've created tools to make sharing Nutrisail with others as easy as possible using your Brand Pro Share Portal.

  • Keep Sharing!

    Challenge yourself to send an invite or post your unique url somewhere at least once per day for a month. When you just focus on referring others for a month or more, something awesome starts to happen: repeat customers. Let those you care about know about these amazing products! We'll do our best to turn them into a regular customer. The more Brand Fans and Brand Pros you have, the more you're going to earn.

Different ways Brand Pros can earn cash!

There are three main parts of the Nutrisail Bonus Plan that you can take advantage of to make money. Let's take a brief look at each and then we'll get into the details of how they work and what you need to do to maximize your earnings.


We pay out 21% of an order’s PV value in Affiliate Referral Bonuses on every single product order that comes through our system. Depending on your current rank, you will earn up to 21% on any orders placed by customers on your replicated Nutrisail website or personal orders made by anyone that is in your personal referral group. There is no limit to the number of people that you can refer, so the potential is limitless!


This powerful plan is designed for those who desire significant residual income. When you begin to organize all of your customers and business builders into twoteams, and then add all the referrals that come from your satisfied users, you noware creating assets you did not have before. Your two teams can begin to deposit income into your bank account every week…same as the Affiliate Referral plan above.

This unique “twin engine” compensation plan allows you to earn twice on your own referrals andalso provides very lucrative incentives on the referrals that come from your customers and business partners. The Referral Plan feeds the Two-Team plan. When you factor in the way Nutrisail rewards your customersfor their referrals, a huge service free to you, better buckle up…this is built for speed and endurance!

Authorized Retailer (Case Wholesale)

Some people like to have product on hand when introducing Nutrisail to others. For those Brand Pros, we offer Nutrisail products in case quantities at discount prices that allow you to earn keystone profits when doing person-to-person sales.

This guide will mainly focus on how to earn Affiliate and Two-Team bonuses. For details and information on the Authorized Retailer program and how you can order by the case, click here.

Getting Active!

In order to earn money in the Affiliate and Two-Team plans, you must be Lifestyle Active.

If you have placed a Lifestyle order in the last 35 days, you are recognized by our software as a Active Brand Pro.

As an Active Brand Pro, you will earn a 10% affiliate bonus on any orders that you refer. These could be orders made by Brand Fans or other Brand Pros —doesn't matter. If you personally referred them, you'll earn 10% of the bonus value of their order.

Ranks & Qualifications

Brand Builder (BB)

This is the most important milestone for anyone starting out that is serious about building residual income with Nutrisail. It requires you to jumpstart your Left and Right Teams with an active referral on each side, but this also is enables you to earn Two-Team Bonuses!

To reach rank of Brand Builder:

Place Lifestyle Active order in the last 35 days

Personally Refer at least one member on your Left Team who is Lifestyle Active

Personally Refer at least one member on your Right Team who is Lifestyle Active

Senior Brand Builder (SBB)

When you refer enough people to meet the requirements for Senior Brand Builder, not only will you notice a nice hike in Two-Team bonuses, but you'll pick up a daily 2% roll-up affiliate bonus from every order underneath coming from Brand Builders and below.

To reach Senior Brand Builder:

Place Lifestyle Active order in the last 35 days

Personally Refer at least two members on your Left Team who is Lifestyle Active

Personally Refer at least two member on your Right Team who is Lifestyle Active

Personally Refer at least two more members on either your Right or Left Team who is Lifestyle Active

Qualified Senior (QSBB)

Achieving rank of Qualified Senior Brand Builder isn't something that happens overnight, but it's very achievable for someone that sticks with the Nutrisail bonus plan and shows a little determination. Especially since the active member requirements on either side can be Brand Pros or Brand Fans.

To reach Qualified Senior:

Meet all requirements for rank of Senior Brand Builder

Weekly total of at least 1250 BV* on your Left Team

Weekly total of at least 1250 BV* on your Right Team

1250 BV must be new BV for the week and does not include any carryover BV from previous week

When you currently rank Senior Elite:

You are eligible to earn Two-Team bonuses

You will retain unused Carryover BV from your strong leg into the following week

You will earn at least $700 in Two-Team bonuses every week

You are eligible to earn up to $12,500 in Two-Team bonuses every week

Qualified Senior Elite (QSE)

Senior Elite is currently our highest rank. Not only will you pick up the full 21% affiliate bonus for any personally referred orders, but if you're the first in your team to hit Senior Elite, you're picking up a 2% override on your entire tree from orders of QSBBs and below.

To reach Senior Elite:

Meet all requirements for rank of Senior Brand Builder

Weekly total of at least 3500 BV* on your Left Team

Weekly total of at least 3500 BV* on your Right Team

Have at least one QSBB on your Left Team that is in your Line of Referral

Have at least one QSBB on your Right Team that is in your Line of Referral

3500 BV totals must be new BV for the week and does not include any carryover BV from previous week

When you currently rank Senior Elite:

You are eligible to earn Two-Team bonuses

You will retain unused Carryover BV from your strong leg into the following week

You will earn at least $700 in Two-Team bonuses every week

You are eligible to earn up to $12,500 in Two-Team bonuses every week

You will earn the maximum 21% Affiliate bonuses paid out on all personally referred orders

You will earn up to 16% in Affiliate roll-up bonuses on any order in your line of referral that isn't picked up by other ranks below you.

You will earn 2% in Affiliate roll-up bonuses on every order in your line of referral that isn't picked up by Qualified Seniors below you.

Tracking Referral and Placement in Nutrisail:

The Nutrisail Bonus Plan is a hybrid plan (binary and unilevel) and uses two different tree models to track your referral history and determine rewards and commissions. These two referral trees are the Two-Team Tree and the Affiliate Tree. Let's take a quick look at both trees and the differences you need to know about the two.

Affiliate Referral Tree

The next type of referral tree is the Affiliate Tree. Anyone that you personally refer will be on your first level of this tree. Every Brand Fan or Brand Pro they personally enroll will be directly below them on their first level—which is your second level—and so on and so forth. There is no limit to how many people you can personally refer, so your Affiliate tree chart can grow very wide. That's a good thing! The more you personally refer, the more you can earn both directly and indirectly from other's orders.

A few things to remember about your Affiliate Tree:

You won't ever place a new member in your referral tree. Anyone you personally refer will go on the first level of this tree by default. That's why the Affiliate tree isn't so much a tree as it is a representation of your referral history and your referral's referral history and so forth and so on. This geneaology—if you will—is what is used to determine how all Affiliate bonuses and Roll-up bonuses are paid out.

Two-Team Referral Tree

Your Two-Team tree follows the traditional binary model. Each spot in this tree has two positions directly below—one on the left and one on the right. These two spots directly below your spot begin your Left Team and Right Team. This tree structure is used to determine Two-Team bonuses, which are paid weekly based on the BV value of balanced orders in your two teams. It is also used together with your Referral Tree and other factors to help determine your rank each week.

A few things to remember about your Two-Team Tree:

Whenever you personally refer somebody new via invite from your Share Portal—or by sending an eSample—you will choose whether they'll be placed on your left team or your right team. Whichever side you choose won't affect where they go in your Affiliate tree. Remember: anyone you personally refer, no matter which side of your Two-Team Tree they're on, they'll automatically be on your first level in your Affiliate referral tree. Below is a list of key differences between the two tree types.

Two-Team Tree (Brand Pros only):

  • f If you're sending an invite to someone, you'll choose "left" or "right" when sending the invite. If and when they signup, they'll be placed in the next available spot on your outside Left Team or Outside Right Team.

  • If someone chooses to signup at your site, but wasn't sent an invite by you, they'll be placed on your Left Team or Right Team according to your Autoplacement Settings.

Understanding the difference between the two tree types:

Everyone in your Affiliate tree is in your Line of Referral (LoR), however you may see members below you on your Left or Right Teams who are not in your Affiliate tree. This happens when someone above you personally refers a new member and the next available spot on their left or right team is below you. This is a good thing! While you won't pick up any Affiliate Bonuses from this particular new member, you will pick up any Bonus Volume (BV) from their orders if you are eligible to earn Two-Team bonuses or retain Carryover Volume. This is the power of the Two-Team Bonus Plan!

When learning how two-team bonuses are calculated, you’ll see why this happens and the benefits of a team-building referral structure commonly known as a binary.

An important term to understand is Line of Referral. Line of Referral is the connection between any two members Even though the qualifications for certain ranks—like Senior Elite—require you to have a certain number of members on your Left and Right Teams, they must also be in your Line of Referral. This means that if you follow the referral of that particular member all the way up, you have to be the next refer

Your Line of Referral is the connection, no matter how deep, that ultimately leads back to you when following referral history up an affiliate tree. Everyone in your Affiliate tree—no matter how far down they are—is in your Line of Referral.

Here's a common scenario that explains Line of Referral a bit more clear:

Let's say we have a Brand Fan (or Brand Pro—doesn't matter) named Bob. If Bob sponsors Sue and Sue sponsors Steve and Steve sponsors Mary and Mary sponsors Sally, Sally would be in Bob’s Line of Referral. But if Bob then sponsors Jan, who is placed underneath Sally in her outside team in the Two-Team tree, Jan will be in Bob’s Line of Referral but Jan will not be in Sally’s Line of Referral. While Sally will benefit in the Two-Team bonus plan from any orders Jan places, Sally will not earn any Affiliate Referral bonuses from Jan. It is common in the Two-Team tree, you may have someone placed in your outside team that was referred by someone above you. While any BV from personal orders they place will count towards your Team Total, they are not in your line of referral.


In summary: Everyone in your Affiliate Tree will be somewhere in your Two-Team tree. But not everyone beneath you in your Two-Team tree will be in your Affiliate Tree.

About your two teams (Left Team and Right Team):

  • There is no limit as to how many Brand Fans or Brand Pros you can personally refer—or how many new members they can refer. The more referral that takes place that ultimately started with you, the more your Affiiliate referral tree will grow and the more rewarding your efforts will become. But the long-term potential of the Two-Team tree is that you can earn bonuses not just on volume generated by Brand Fans (preferred customers) and Brand Pros (professional affiliates) in your Line of Referral, but also on members that are referred by your upline and placed underneath you on your Left or Right team (whichever team is your outside team).

  • The key to maximizing your efforts while building your two teams is balance. The more even your teams, the more income you take home each week. To move beyond the Brand Builder position and open the doors to larger weekly bonuses and build truly residual income, you'll need to develop leadership on each of your teams.

  • As long as you maintain rank of Brand Builder, you will earn Two-Team bonuses on any Matching BV generated in your Two-Team tree that week. If you don't reach Brand Builder at week's end, you can still retain carryover volume in your strong leg as long as you are Lifestyle Active. By staying Lifestyle Active, you will continue to accumulate Carryover BV on your strong leg to be used once you rank up to Brand Builder or above. If the week ends and you have not placed a personal Lifestyle order in the last 35 days, you're BV on both your Left and Right Teams will reset to zero.

  • Brand Builders can earn up to $500/week in Two-Team bonuses. If you are nearing this amount week-to-week, it's time to crank up your referral efforts and rank up to Senior Brand Builder. Senior Brand Builders can earn up to $2,500 in Two-Team bonuses every week!

Determining Placement in your Two-Team Tree

New members that you refer will be placed on the next available spot on your outside Left Team or outside Right Team. You cannot personally refer someone on an inside team of another member below you.

There are two ways to determine whether a new member you refer will be placed on your outside Left team or outside Right team:

  • New Member Referral by Invitation

    Whenever you personally refer somebody new via invite from your Share Portal—or by sending an eSample—you will be prompted to choose "Left Team" or "Right Team." Your choice will determine whether they'll be placed on the next available spot on your outside Left Team or your outside Right Team. Whichever side you choose won't affect where they go in your Affiliate tree.

    Reminder: Anyone you personally refer, no matter which side of your Two-Team Tree they're on, will automatically appear on your first level in your Affiliate referral tree.

  • New Member Referral by Organic Signup

    When you share your replicated url and people go to your site and signup for a free Brand Fan* account, they will automatically be placed in Left or Right teams depending on your current Two-Team Autoplacement Settings. Your Two-Team Autoplacement Settings can be found and managed in your Account Settings by clicking on the “Two-Team Settings” tab. By default this setting is set to “Lesser Outside Team,” but you can change this preference anytime—however often you'd like—by selecting one of the Autoplacement options from the dropdown field, then clicking the “Save Autoplacement Settings” button below. You should get a confirmation at the top of the page once this setting is updated.

Two-Team Autoplacement: Different Options Explained

Lesser Outside Team

New Brand Fans that signup themselves from your website will be automatically placed in the next available spot on the outside of the team that has the lesser number of Brand Fans already enrolled.

Outside Left Team

New Brand Fans that signup themselves from your website will be automatically placed in the next available spot on the outside of your left team.

Outside Right Team

New Brand Fans that signup themselves from your website will be automatically placed in the next available spot on the outside of your right team.

Alternate: Left, Right

New Brand Fans that signup themselves from your website will be automatically placed on alternating sides of your team starting with your left side.

Alternate: Right, Left

New Brand Fans that signup themselves from your website will be automatically placed on alternating sides of your team starting with your right side.

Who can earn money in this plan?

The Affiliate Referral Bonus Plan is designed to reward those who are getting the word out, and developing a Nutrisail customer base as the foundation for their business. As an ambassador for our products and opportunity, the more Brand Fans and new Brand Pros you help create, the more referral bonuses you will earn. Nutrisail very much wants your referral…and we reward your efforts handsomely! When customers refer new customers, we are very generous with free product rewards. Anytime they choose, a Brand Fan can change these rewards to CASH!  Simply upgrade to Brand Pro and maintain a monthly LIfestyle order of your choice.

Let’s take a look at how Affiliate bonuses work...

Each time an order is placed, 21% of that order is paid to the referral team responsible for the customer order. One or more people can share in the referral bonus on any particular order. This will depend on who refers the new customer and where they stand in the Nutrisail Rewards program. The next few pages will go over our Affiliate Bonus Structure in detail, and explain the first half of our hybrid compensation plan.

  • If a Brand Fan (preferred customer) refers a Brand Fan, we take 5% from the 21% to create their product reward (10% free product) on that order. This would leave 16% that will be paid to the next upline Brand Pro and above.

  • If a Brand Pro refers the customer, they would receive a 10% referral bonus, which would leave 11% to roll up to Brand Builders and above. (5% to the next Builder plus 6% for the next upline Senior BB’s and above.)

  • If a Brand Builder refers the new Brand Fan, they would earn 15% referral bonus and then 6% would roll upline to the next Senior Brand Builder or above.

  • If a Senior BB refers the new Brand Fan, they would earn 17% referral bonus and then 4% would roll up to the next Qualifed Senior or above.

  • If a Qualifed Senior refers the new Brand Fan, they would a earn 19% and then 2% would roll upline to the next Senior Elite.

  • If a Senior Elite refers a Brand Fan, then they would earn the entire 21% all by themselves!

The more Brand Fans and Bran Pros you refer, the more cash you can earn!

In the examples above, we just used one line of personal referral to demonstrate how affiliate bonuses are earned. Any Brand Fan you personally refer will go on the first level of your affiliate network. Anyone they personally refer will go on the second level and so on and so forth. There is no limit to how many Brand Fans you can personally refer and they can personally refer.

It pays to personally refer others!

You may qualify for all or part of the 21% affiliate bonus—and probably will if you personally referred the order. Once a roll-up percentage finds the target rank and pays the bonus, the cycle will repeat for the next percentage—starting back at the origin of the order. So if you are the enroller and you are a Brand Builder, you will get the 10% roll-up and then you’ll get the next 5%. The diagram below shows us how the roll-ups can total all the way up to 21% if you personally referred the order and hold the rank of Senior Elite.

Active Brand Pro

Brand Builder

Senior Brand Builder

Qualified SBB

SBB Elite

Active Brand Pros will earn 10% on any order by someone they personally refer.

Brand Builders will earn 15% on any order by someone they personally refer.

Senior Brand Builders will earn 17% on any order by someone they personally refer.

Qualified Seniors will earn 19% on any order by someone they personally refer.

Senior Elites will earn all 21% on any order by someone they personally refer.

How affilliate bonuses work when customer is referred by a Brand Fan

Not all orders are referred by a Brand Pro. Whenever a Brand Fan refers an order, they'll earn Referral Rewards. When this happens, affiliate bonuses are paid out differently. Here's how it works.

Brand Builder

Senior Brand Builder

Qualified SBB

SBB Elite

After Referral Rewards are determined, 10% Affiliate bonus will go to the next Brand Builder up the line of Referral.

After the 10% finds the next Brand Builder (or above), affiliate bonuses will continue paying up the line of referral as usual for Senior Brand Builders and above.

Brand Builder - First step to real money

Do it Now…because:

  • You receive an immediate pay raise, from 10% to 15% on all orders and repeat orders from your personally referred customers.
  • You are now qualified to receive roll-up commissions from orders in your customer “trees” even if you did not personally refer them.
  • You can start earning more money by taking advantage of the Nutrisail TWO-TEAM BONUS PLAN.
  • As a Brand Builder, you can even earn roll-up bonuses from Brand Pros in your group who are not currently qualified.

Build and Earn With Two-Team Balance

All of your personal Brand Fans (preferred customers) and your Brand Pros (Business Builders) will be organized into two teams: Your Left team or your Right team. The first thing you will want to do is to establish a personally referred Lifestyle customer on each of your two teams. Once you have accomplished this, and have a current Lifestyle order yourself….You are now a Brand Builder! That’s it…not a huge mountain to climb. The rewards can be significant.

Linda is now a Brand Builder as she has activated both of her teams with a Lifestyle customer of her own. She is now in a position to start earning her Two Team bonus.

When both teams start to grow and sales start to happen on each team, you are now earning money in the Two-Team Plan! You start to create and accumulate BV (binary volume) every time a sale takes place on either team.

As your Two-Team referral tree grows, orders below in your left and right teams are used to determine your Two-Team bonuses. This includes everyone—even their customers—in your Two- Team tree. This means you can even benefit from orders by those placed below you in the two-team tree that were enrolled by someone above you. The total amount of BV on each side of you is used to calculate your weekly Two Team Commission.

Every Wednesday at midnight, the computer closes business for the week. It then totals the sales for your right team and your left team. It then takes your smaller team BV and pairs it with an equal amount from your larger team. Your weekly earnings from the Two Team Plan will be 10% of both teams totaled.


When you currently hold rank of Brand Builder and above, you are eligible to participate and earn bonuses in our Two-Team (binary) bonus plan. As a Brand Builder, you will accumulate Binary Volume (BV) and you will accumulate unused BV from one bonus week to the next as carryover BV.

Carryover/Holding Volume

Carryover (or Holding) volume is when unused BV from your strong leg carries over into the next week. Unless you have the exact amount of BV at the end of the week—which is very rare—you will always have carryover volume leftover after matching bonus volume has been calculated.

Requirements to hold onto carryover volume

As long as you remain Lifestyle Active, you will accumulate carryover volume on your strong team week-to-week.


Income Disclaimer

Claims of financial success (including claims such as the ability to quit a job or stay at home or portrayals of luxury lifestyles) by a Nutrisail Distributor (Brand Pro)—depicted on our website, company-related social media pages or anywhere else—may exceed the average results achieved by all distributors during the same time period. These claims are not necessarily representative of the success or compensation that any particular distributor will receive, and should not be construed as typical or average.

The ability to earn income with Nutrisail depends on several factors including an individual’s business, social, and sales skills; personal ambition and activity; availability of time and financial resources; and access to a sizable network of personal and professional contacts.

Nutrisail does not—and cannot—guarantee any specific level of earnings. Even distributors who dedicate a significant amount of time, effort, and personal funds may not achieve a meaningful level of financial success.

Amendments Notice

Nutrisail may, at its sole discretion, amend this compensation plan and guidance documents. As a registered Brand Fan or Brand Pro, you understand that you will be bound by any amendments upon notification of the amendments through any Nutrisail official channels of communication effective three days after the posting of such notice (except where a longer notice period is required by law, in which case such notice period applies). For more information regarding amendments, please review our Policies and Procedures.