morzinga gold is available in 30ct and 90ct bottles

Moringa Oleifera
A native of the Indian subcontinent, the leaf of the Moringa tree has been an important source of nutrition and medicine for centuries. Its health benefits are legendary — so rich in nutrients that it is often called the “Miracle Tree.” The powder from the leaf of this plant contains 92 nutrients, 46 different antioxidants, 18 amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Turmeric, a potent herb with countless scientifically proven health benefits, has been used as a therapeutic remededy for millenia. While it's widely known for it's use as a spice in Southeast Asian cuisine, it's medicinal properties have been linked to aiding in everything from improving cardiovascular and neurological function, to relieving joint pain and boosting mental health. A powerful anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant, Turmeric is rich in essential vitamins and minerals including: Vitamin C, Vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, Calcium, Manganese, Phosphorous, Potassium, Zinc, & Phytonutrients

95% Curcumin Extract
The ancient Indian holistic medical system of Ayurveda has used turmeric as a medicinal herb and therapeutic remedy for millennia. It’s been used to combat serious ailments like heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer. It is also an important ingredient in Southeast Asian cooking and contains several essential vitamins

Black Pepper Extract
Black pepper on its own has many medicinal and therapeutic uses. But in this formulation, it acts as a catalytic agent for curcumin. Black pepper contains the compound piperine, which improves the body’s absorption of curcumin by almost 20 times. When combined with curcumin, black pepper helps to reduce inflammation and improves digestion.

Two superfood titans. One powerful product.
Packed full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and boosted by the power of black pepper, is a supplement bursting with so many health benefits, we couldn’t even fit them all on the label.

The Power of Superfood
When these two superfoods are combined with black pepper, they create a balanced nutritional formula for good health. Both curcumin and Moringa have traditionally been used for relaxation and may help in relieving symptoms of anxiety, stress and tension — and provide especially excellent health benefits for younger and older people alike
Health Benefits
Helps control chronic inflammation
Helps keep the brain and the cardiovascular system healthy
Slows down age-related cognitive degeneration
Improves health for diabetic patients
Boosts the immune system with flavonoids and antioxidants
Soothes joint and muscle pain, relieving symptoms of arthritis
Controls blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Helps with inflammation of the gut
Helps with digestion, and aids in weight loss